Nicole Hoffman

US Hotels Set Performance Records Over Holidays

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U.S. hotel demand for the week between the Christmas and New Year’s Eve holidays was the highest ever recorded, and hoteliers capitalized, charging record-high weekly rates.

Christmas Day hotel occupancy also set a record in the U.S. at 47.3%; the previous peak was 47%, reached in 2015. New Year’s Eve hotel performance was likely limited by [...]

Home Improvements During Labor Shortage

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Tight labor markets are affecting industries across the country. Skilled and unskilled jobs remain unfilled as employers struggle to find prospective employees. For anyone ready to hire a contractor or handyman to perform home improvement projects, this shortage is causing frustration. As more people embrace the “staycation” and seek ways [...]

What Stays with the Home in a Sale?

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More than one seller has been surprised to find that their favorite chandelier is not theirs to take when they move. First-time home sellers might be especially confused when confronted with an exclusion form presented by their agent, but understanding what is, and is not included in the sale by statute is important to avoid disappointment [...]

The Nation's Hottest Housing Markets Have This One Thing in Common

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In today’s fast-paced, blink-and-the-listing-is-gone housing market it’s hard to find a place where real estate isn’t hot.

However, there are certain real estate markets that are popular with buyers all over the country where homes are selling just a little bit faster. And they all have one big thing in common: They’re more affordable.

For the second month in a row, [...]

11-20 of 109 Posts